Wednesday, March 3, 2021

One Cup of Chai!

Long brownish leaves in the brew.
Looking fresh enough to commence a day new.
Aroma making it's way everywhere.
Someone's making My Chai there!

Beverage in orangish hue.
Every sip rejuvenating your soul.
The spices adding 'spice' to your stressy schedule.
Making you relax as a whole.

A poem on tea?!
Yes, it definitely can be!
Light showers, chilly breezes and a cup of tea.
That's all you need!

- Arya Joshi


  1. One for me too....safeTEA first

  2. Mast ! If tea is prepared by someone else for you then it's tastes differently 👍👍

  3. These simple pleasures in life are some of the most beautiful and underrated ones. Amazing poem!


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